Amanda Trumpower

Writer for Jesus lovers who dig dragons, detectives, and droids

Collar Cases

ages 7-12

The snacks are in danger.

Take a field trip into the world of art theft.

The trail is about to go cold. Ice cold.

History comes alive. Literally.

Power Pup

ages 9-13

Superheroes swoop into Bowwow.

Power Pup in frantic fight against fiery foe!

Power Pup tangles with tiger sharks!

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Free audiobooks!

Want to see if we’re a good fit for your kids without spending money?

We understand! That’s why the audiobooks and ebooks of Collar Cases #1 and Power Pup #1 are free!

We’re pretty sure you’ll love them, but let’s have your kids decide.

If we make you laugh, you know where to find us!

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